Macro-economic Trends and Targets
The Global Climate Action storyline considers global climate efforts. Global methods regarding CO2 reductions are in place, and the EU is on track towards its 2030 and 2050 decarbonisation targets. An efficient ETS trading scheme is a key enabler in the electricity sector’s success in contributing to global/EU decarbonisation policy objectives. In general, renewables are located across Europe where the best wind and solar resources are found. As non-intermittent renewables bio-methane is also developed. Due to the focus on environmental issues no investment in shale gas is expected.
Power Generation
A CO2 market price provides the correct market signals that trigger investments in low- carbon power generation technologies and for flexibility services. A technology-neutral framework is established, which in particular supports investments in renewables. Power- to-gas (P2G) becomes a commercially viable technology for the production of green gas. The CO2 price makes natural gas-fired CCGTs appear before coal in the merit order. Gas-fired units provide flexibility needed within the power market, helping facilitate intermittent renewable technologies within the market. Nuclear mostly depends on country specific policies and there may be potential for some minimum new units in some countries. Carbon capture and storage is not an economically viable option, but it still represents a technically viable option for industries whose processes are characterised by high load factors. System adequacy is driven by price signals, which allows market-based investments in peaking power plants to be made.
The efficient and widespread implementation of global climate schemes prevents carbon leakage between countries, therefore improving the relative competitiveness of energy intensive industries within Europe.
Electricity and natural gas are both key components for the transport sector in reaching emission reduction goals. The impact of electrification is that demand for electricity use in the private and small commercial transportation sector increases. There is an increase in the use of LNG for transportation especially where electricity does not represent an alternative fuel, such as heavy goods and shipping sectors. There is a limited penetration of hydrogen vehicles. Heat
Electric and hybrid heat pumps are a significant technology in the heating sector, helping to offset the use of fossil fuel heating. All electric heat pumps are installed in new high efficiency buildings, while hybrid heat pumps are installed in existing lower efficiency buildings with an existing gas connection. Together with electric and hybrid heat pumps, district heating plants represent an efficient solution.
Consumer Behaviour
Demand response in both industrial and residential sectors has increased – increased automation of things and the internet give consumers the option to move their demand to the lower-priced hours. The overall impact of energy efficiency is higher on the residential sector while offset by strong economic growth in the industrial sector. Demand flexibility is also a key factor ensuring system adequacy due to its ability to shift demand peaks.
Electricity Demand
Yearly electricity demand has increased in various sectors; overall electricity demand growth is limited by increasing energy efficiency. High GDP growth means that people invest in high efficiency products such as lighting, computers and white goods, all of which help to reduce the overall residential energy consumption.
Gas Demand
Yearly final gas demand is increasing in the transport sector whilst decreasing in the residential sector, driven mainly from improvements in technology efficiencies and building insulation measures. Gas demand is stable in the industrial sector where the impact of energy efficiency measures offsets the increase due to the strong economic growth. Gas is essential to cover peak demand situations, such as cold weather conditions. Industrial gas demand for heating is stable in this scenario.