EUCO30 gas demand
The gas demand for power generation data is an output of the ENTSO-E modelling results that were generated applying the methodology detailed in section 1. As with the other scenario modelling output, this electricity net generation has a calculation applied in order to obtain the gas required as fuel input, further details of this can be found in section 1.4.3.
Final demand is determined on a country level basis from the data provided by the EUCO30 modelling output. This is achieved by removing the demand classified as Power & CHP from the Gross Inland Consumption. Representation of sectoral data has been avoided as there are potential differences in the categorisation between those displayed in the EUCO technical report appendix and that of the TYNDP data collection process. Ktoe consumption data has been converted to Gross Calorific Value TWh or GWh in order to provide a direct comparison between datasets.
For countries not represented within the EUCO scenario that are part of the EU28+ scope of the gas TYNDP 2018, data collected for Global Climate Action 2030 will be used as substitute.